Friday, January 26, 2007

Changing my Looks?

What if I dyed my hair like this??
Hehe, this is a wig, obviously... I bought it a few days ago; don't know why, just felt like it... but it's cool when you pretend you're someone else, isn't it?
Maybe I should go to an Anime convention or something with my pals André ( and Patricia ( as my own character, SpiceSoul (Spicey, for short)...!

***For more info about Spicey go to my personal blog:***


Silvia Brito said...

I´m a Barbie a Barbie world...
Just kinding...Like Patricia said, it is nice to pretend that you're someone else, from time to time...
Guess we'll be seing you cosplaying with them!!

AR said...

I love it! Inspired. Now write with this new persona! There's a challenge! See how it feels..

WERT said...

Maybe I will, Silvia!! ;)

And I already am, Allyson! 3 chapters so far!! :D

angel said...

well you pretend to be someone else and when you are you right like someone else. I think that's a way to escape from the person you are..